
  • Tackling the Affordability Crisis

  • Climate, Infrastructure and Connectivity

  • Inclusive Community-led Governance

Tackling the Affordability Crisis

Healdsburg has made great strides in recent years to address the housing needs of low-income community members across sectors like agriculture and hospitality. However, the city’s recent developments around “market rate” construction has only resulted in elite level real estate. Working class families are being squeezed from rental possibilities all over Healdsburg, while the pathway to homeownership has become almost unattainable.

Healdsburg’s housing plan needs a fresh focus around the “missing middle” with clear priorities, authentic motivation and the energy to execute. A clear pathway to accessibility for those who want to live and work in this beautiful city. A clear pathway for those who are aging gracefully but may need to downsize to a smaller home. A clear pathway for families (like mine) that started off in a rental but look forward to homeownership here in Healdsburg. As the cost of living rises, from housing to gas to groceries, too many families are struggling to keep up. We need to do more at the local level to ensure that we have equitable systems in place that do not push out our middle-class.

When elected, I will be the only renter on the city council. Renters make up 40% of Healdsburg’s residents and having a representative that understands first-hand the needs and issues of renters is critically important. Ensuring that renters and landlords know their rights and helping to keep families housed and preventing homelessness are priorities for me. We need a voice in City leadership that understands the hardships middle class families face in housing. I have the ideas, energy and lived experience to make this dream a reality for families like mine in Healdsburg.

Climate, Infrastructure and Connectivity

Healdsburg can be a leader on greenhouse gas emission reduction and developing a next generation transportation network. As a City with a publicly owned utility and our own water department, we’re in the distinct position to write our own pathway to environmental sustainability. We can work to reduce emissions and create a healthier community by increasing river access and connecting key destinations in Healdsburg. We have incredible natural resources in our backyard - such as the Russian River and Fitch Mountain - that should be protected and preserved.

Infrastructure improvements in Healdsburg require thoughtful, future-focused planning and execution. We need to ensure all residents feel heard and trust that the City will deliver on plans to enhance our beautiful community. Prioritizing multi-benefit projects, exploring innovative funding mechanisms and implementing green infrastructure solutions are essential to Healdsburg’s forward growth. An inclusive mobility vision ensures all transportation and infrastructure improvements benefit the entire community, including underserved residents and seniors. We can promote affordable and accessible options to connect all parts of Healdsburg by focusing on east-west connections, safe routes to schools, sustainable trail upgrades, new access points, and potential future connections between the river and downtown.

Whether it's a new park on the north end of Healdsburg or revamping river access at Badger Park, we need to prioritize developing a safe, walkable and bikeable city. As we invest millions of dollars into water, street, and park infrastructure projects, we need to be strategic for the future.

Inclusive Community-led Governance

Healdsburg recently adopted its first-ever DEI Plan, Arts and Culture Plan and Climate Mobilization Strategy. These three plans were led and adopted by the council in 2021, with a strong push from local residents and active community participation by hundreds of local residents. Without a change in leadership these robust plans will continue to be shelved or watered-down and the community voice that shaped these plans will be silenced. My goal is to continue a strong push for these plans to be advanced and implemented in the coming year.  

As a working mom and business professional for 20 years, I’ve worked hard from the ground up to perfect my skills in executive leadership support, global operations, and business strategy. That’s translated into practical tools for long-term solutions tackling rising housing costs, climate crisis mobilization, and protecting the financial integrity of our working families. Healdsburg is at a crossroads and we need outspoken leaders with a vested interest to have a seat at the table. we need to ensure this incredible City can remain a vibrant and thriving community for families.

Vote Heather Hannan-Kramer for Healdsburg City Council this November.